Osteoarthritis of the knee

Osteoarthritis of the knee joint – the particular provides tumble action in the hryaschik at the joint of the knee is a disease. When it happens in the genesis of the disease, doctors have observed serious irregularities in the process of movement in the bones, the vessels, and, therefore, there is a deformation and a destruction of the tissue of the cartilage, the person feels a strong, chilling any movement of his legs, his knees weak, in pain, and looks for swelling, and the change-of-mind style.


What are you go going to the knee when the osteoarthritis?

Articulate cartilage, it plays an important role in the process of human movement and represent the softer, more elastic and firm, the board, through which the articulating bones to seamlessly move from one relationship to another, and it also happens to depreciation and the distribution of the burden of the hike.

But, when excessive, of the regular charges of a genetic predisposition, disorders of the metabolism of the body, longer muscle spasm, and lesions of the articular cartilage loses its smoothness, and begins to thin. The thinning of the articular cartilage leads to a reduction in the gap between the articulated bones of up to 80% off. During the trip, due to the anomalous friction, and the lack of a buffer to the destructive processes in the joint very quickly if it builds up, it is fast, it leads to the development of the third level of the arthritis, with a bright, symptomatic:

  • The pain of the movement, especially in the case of a climb or descent of the stairs.
  • The pain and the load, and at rest, stiffness in the morning.
  • The patient begins to limp, trying to save the joint of the patient.
  • Severe cases of the disease had forced him to use crutches or a cane.

The third degree of osteoarthritis of the knee is characterized by an almost complete lack of tissue in the cartilage, which leads to a decrease in the mobility of the joint to a minimum. So, no magic methods, super-drugs, and topical ointments you will not be able to recover a piece of worn articular cartilage in the tissue, and, taking account of the degree of deformation of the bones and the normal functioning of the joint, it is not possible. If this is the case, you can help it, just the action.

The stage of osteoarthritis

What is important is that it determines the success of a therapy, it is an extension of the disease, that is, the manifestation of the changes that are destructive on the joints of the knee. To the extent that the development of osteoarthritis include the following stages or degrees:

  • In the initial stage, or grade 1, often referred to as well as well as reflected by the clinical signs of the pathology are still not. The patient may feel discomfort in your knees after you exercise, which quickly disappears after the entertainment, the joint is still fully functional.
  • When it is in the 2nd grade of the osteoarthritis, subcompensated, the symptoms of this disease are heightened. Formed, it expresses the pain that is caused, which, however, is interrupted by the pain killers the creams and gels that are used topically. Disturbed motor activity, it gets you to the instability of the joint. In the vast majority of cases, the treatment of the patients and the doctors is just here at this stage.
  • The 3-degree excessive, which can also be called a strain. The articulation of the knee joint in alignment and an unstable, real estate, brand-new, it is rejected. The pain that is caused, permanent, and requires a medical intervention. To download the joint and move it, the man is in need of a walking stick.

Depending on the state in which the man enlisted the help of a developed scheme of therapy. Unfortunately, many people turn to medical treatment in the majority of cases, when the pain in my knee already, do not go after the usual consumption of analgesics, or the use, of creams.

The symptoms and early warning signs of

Depending on the intensity of the symptoms and the progression of the illness is divided into 3 phases. The symptoms of the early development of gonarthrosis is highly variable and does not have the degree of specificity.

In the first stage of the disease, the symptoms, such as:

  1. the pain in the knee joint, during a squat, at the foot of the ladder;
  2. the pain in the joint after a long period of time of charging, or cooling systems;
  3. your knee may ache at the end of the afternoon or in the morning;
  4. the rigidity and pain in the morning, after you get through the day-to-day.

The later the symptoms appear, which are characteristic of the 2-and 3-phase (for larger):

  • the pain becomes acute, and long-term;
  • the swelling in the area of the joint;
  • perhaps it is the appearance of oxygen in fluid within the joint;
  • between the articular surfaces, may be in violation of the particles of the articular cartilage, menisci, synovial tissue, in which there is an immovable (it can be just as dramatically, pass);
  • it is difficult to step on their foot;
  • it develops the inertia of a joint.

The speed of the development of the degenerative process, and the degree of manifestation of symptoms depends on the presence or absence of the most stressful factors. For example, the stress or the inflammatory responses in the body, speed up the destructive process.

The diagnosis

For the diagnosis of gonarthrosis using:

  • blood tests (general and biochemical);
  • the x-ray images;
  • arthroscopy;
  • The Ultra-sound;
  • The magnetic resonance imaging.

The most important diagnostic method for the confirmation of the diagnosis of gonarthrosis is the x-ray. Although in the early stage of the disease, and the condition of the fabric of the articular cartilage on x-rays, it is not possible, however, that the amendments to the bone in 2-and 3-phase are clearly visible. That is to say:

  1. the narrow-slot joint;
  2. it is located along the border of the bone, the edges of the ball-joint of the border of the peak – the bone spurs;
  3. the changes in the periosteum;
  4. to change the height of one of the condyles, and others.

However, the details of the changes by using arthroscopy. It is possible to determine the status of the articular cartilage, menisci, sheath synovial. It is rarely applied because of the possibility of such a strong trauma to the joint, as well as the fact that this is a small operation, which consists of a number of holes. Sometimes, arthroscopy is used for explaining and talking points on the knee (if you ever need to remove a piece of my broken cartilage, or the meniscus). To detect changes in the soft tissues of the knee joint at the beginning of the read the help of ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging. In these methods, it is also good to show the status of the tissue, cartilage, hem, joint fluid, and liquid oxygen.

Therapy, exercise, and exercise for osteoarthritis

Physical exercise will help to re-establish the function of the joint and strengthen it. Make them increased slowly, and with caution, so as not to cause a sprain, and that it does not exceed the loading capacity.

The most effective are based on the following method:

  1. They increased very slowly, one at a time, lift one leg straight lying on the stomach. In this exercise, you are engaged in the muscles of the thigh and the lower leg. You will not be allowed to load, when this was moved to the back. To lift the legs too high, and it's not worth the effort. Is important to stretch the muscles in the upper part;
  2. This is similar to the first, except that now you must raise one leg, bent at the knee. At the highest point of the muscles of the thigh, it should be set to stretch. Each of the leg exercise, you must perform the same number of times.
  3. Lying down on the floor (on my stomach), lift your legs straight up and then produce it to the side to add. For this exercise, you need a strong trained, the abdominal muscles, so it is not suitable for all patients. In addition, its implementation you may want to go up in the blood pressure. People who suffer from high blood pressure, or other diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is better to give up;
  4. To perform this exercise you need to lie on side, bend down on the floor with the left leg at the knee, and the other rose, slowly, up and hold you in the highest point. It is important, then, for the angle when you perform one at each leg is the same;
  5. For this exercise, you will need to see a doctor. You are sitting on it, as the legs are alternately in a straight line, go up and you are stuck in time as much as possible in the corrected position;
  6. It is helpful to lift on tiptoe, holding on to the back of a chair or out of bed. As in the other exercises, you need to take yourself to the top for a few seconds, and, in addition, to stretch the muscles of the feet.
the layout of the arthritis

The doctor will carry out in the clinic for several sessions to show you the basics so that the patient is able to massage problematic for the knee joint alone. Of competent jurisdiction, action to improve the state of the damaged area.

Physical therapy

It should not be assumed that physical activity refers to a minor, ancillary techniques, and the impact on the patient's joint. In the early stages of the disease, the therapy provides a significant relief to the patient, remove the pain, relieve muscle spasms and to speed up the recovery of the function of the knee joint. In addition, some of the sorts of therapy will allow the introduction of a drug substance across the skin, which leads to a reduction in the dose delivered to the patient in.

All of the methods of physical impact, they can be divided into several groups:

  1. It reduces the pain.
  2. To reduce the inflammation;
  3. To restore the power supply to the joint and speed up recovery of function in the joints.

What kind of an impact it is necessary for the patient, the doctor is able to determine the existing on the basis of the symptoms and the diseases associated with it.

In the running for the win

The surgical treatment is, it refers to the radical methods of the whole or part of the regeneration of the functioning of the knee joint. The surgical techniques are different from each other, and the degree of intervention in the affected joint.

  1. Arthroscopy is one of the most gentle forms of treatment right away. It's a small trauma, and it can also be used as a therapeutic activity, even in the early stages of osteoarthritis. The main objective is to extend the useful life of the damaged joint. Arthroscopy is carried out with the aid of an endoscope – flexible probe with a camera on the end of it. The knee joint is made of small holes, inserting an endoscope and the supporting tools. During the surgery, removing the damaged areas of tissue, causing pain. The operation is no longer acceptable to the young person and, if necessary, can be repeatedly replayed.
  2. There it refers to a more radical surgical techniques. When this occurs, the recovery of the full function of the joint through total joint replacement of the knee or on the part of the implant. This is the best alternative to the existing methodology for the fusion to complete the immobilization, forced the damaged joint. At the time of the joint replacement gives you up to 90% for positive results and a significant improvement in the quality of life of the patients.
  3. Osteotomy is also true for the case when the joint has developed a considerable amount of strain, and the function of the joint is visibly distraught. Osteotomy involves the creation of artificial fracture where the bone is pre-arranged to do the job. In the future, a portion of the bone to provide the right feeding position, and give it to them in the mail. At times, during operation, they can also be manmade staple for bone fragments, which can contribute to a more sustainable way, the position of the bone.

The diet

As for your dietary needs, when you win, she will, generally, often times directed to the reduction of the weight of the patient, as well as in the majority of cases, this is a major factor contributing to the burden on the joints. The diet provides foods in small amounts, approximately once every three (3) hours. To reduce the burden of women's daily should be to add lean meat (chicken, turkey, and rabbit), and to eliminate the fat, meat, mutton, pork). With vegetable proteins, it should be available from the crop of a legume. To the accomplishment of the diet in the diet should occur, replace the refined oil is not refined, as well as a decrease in the intake of salt.

Medical diet expected to fail, or a minimum of consumption, conservation, and smoked, and fried foods (appetite suppressants). To restore the ruins of the articular cartilage, it is necessary to provide the body with a complex carbohydrate (grains, flour products from coarse grinding). The power supply should also be included in the juices (carrot, beet, apple). They carry the body of toxins, and to reduce the impact of inflammatory processes.

The diet must be present fish aspic, which acts as a kind of cartilage, and helps to build new cartilage. It is worth noting that in the diet, it is not possible to assign it to yourself, yourself is the best option, you will be able to pick up just a doctor-a dietitian (an expert on diets).

An example of the menu:

  • Breakfast: oats in the water-free, oil-free, and pasta, the juice of the fruit, with a hard-boiled egg;
  • The second cup of coffee in the morning: a cup of plain yogurt low-fat;
  • Lunch: meat or fish stew, stew, vegetables, tea, and without the weight;
  • Afternoon snack: baked cheese with nuts, a glass of fruit juice;
  • Dinner: salad with veggies, apples, and tea, without weight;
  • According to the evening meal: one cup of low-fat yogurt.


Take care of your joints until it is a nasty disease, such as gonarthrosis, don't bother. When you identify the symptoms of the disease, consult a physician for the initial phase, while the mobility of the elasticity of joint tissue is not fully lost. The lack of treatment of cases leads to disability.

To prevent diseases of the joints:

  • it is the load on the foot when it is activated, and the practice of sports;
  • take the diet and with the addition of products and dishes, and it contains calcium, magnesium, and gelatin;
  • if your work is related to the lifting, handling cargo, adhering to the safety rules, do not carry loads to a certain standard;
  • regularly do self-massage for prevention of arthritis, in particular, with a constant load on the feet.
  • eat, if you limit the "damaging" of products.
  • the control of body weight (in excess of the weight of the burden on the joints);
  • regularly to be interviewed, explaining and talking points-if both acute and chronic disease.

Attention to the health of the musculoskeletal system provides for the activity, at any age. To identify the gonarthrosise please consult with your doctor. In the treatment of arthritis, in-house – one-sv to have a successful treatment.


From the time of diagnosis of osteoarthritis of the knee joint in the early phases, the elimination of the root cause of a disease process and appropriate treatment, the forecast favorable. Done, the therapy gives you the opportunity to build a long-standing reference, however, the treatment is usually life-long. In the absence of the treatment, and also whether or not it is the patient with a doctor's prescription for osteoarthritis of the knee it becomes the cause of the injury.